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Here’s a smidge of info about my fam jam:

I’ve been married to my goofy and super handsome hubs, MJ, for 6 years now. We like to solve the world’s problems together, dream big together, and make super cute kids together. Speaking of those cuties, we have two wild and beautiful kiddos: Findlay (4) and Graden (2) PLUS baby boy due in October. 


We love family time and value it above just about everything else in this physical world. And most days you can find us playing outside, swimming at the pool or playing “forts” in our family room. 


If there is one thing being a mom and wife has taught me, it’s that you have to fill your own glass before you can pour into others. And those kids demand ALL of you, while your hubs gets what’s leftover, so you better make dang sure you have yourself figured out first. The sooner you can recognize that, accept that and DO that, the better you’ll be able to show up for the ones you love.

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