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Writer's pictureAllie Janszen RN, BSN


Y’all… this is a doozy of a story, so sit tight with me while I share how Baby J #3 came to be.

If you’ve been following along with me for some time, you know I am a sucker for all of the baby snuggles and I am pretty much obsessed with the tiny humans. I’ve always known my favorite part of my life would be when I was having babies.

Friends, not many people know this about me but… I even declined going to Med School because I wanted to start having babies and raise a family at a young-ish age. All of this is to say, I have always dreamed of having a bunch of kiddos, so Baby J #3 was always in the cards for us.

The TIMING of Baby J #3, however, was not as expected.

Backstory time:

Back in May 2018, I dislocated my shoulder. So, I went to the ortho surgeon where he took X-rays and an MRI which showed that I tore my labrum, tore my rotator cuff and have an indent in my bone (Hill-Sach’s Deformity) from where it dislocated. And it’s so unstable that I keep dislocating it (on accident) when I do any sort of rotation. It’s kiiiiind of a problem. And the only way to fix it is surgery. WAH! So, very begrudgingly, we put the surgery on the books for the soonest available date: February 6th. Countdown was on!

But guess what, y’all? You know that saying: “If you want to see God laugh, make plans.”? Yep...he was laughing all the way to the bank because when I went in to get my surgery on February 6th, I was told, “Ummm… well, you won’t be getting surgery today.” Blank stares from me and a sudden fear that I had cancer (irrational, I know… but that’s the inner dialogue going on in my noggin). The nurse looked at me and said, “Congrats…? You’re pregnant.”

Honestly, you want to know what my first thought was? YES!!!! I don’t have to get surgery! Second thought: DAMNIT!!! I won’t get surgery and I’ll be stuck with this bum shoulder for another year and a half, and then probably even longer because I want my next two babies close together in age. Third thought: OMG! We’re pregnant!!! YAYYYYY!!!

Okay, so here’s the part where I turned into the biggest liar ever. Since EVERYONE and their mom knew about my shoulder surgery, it was going to be a tall task to keep it quiet as to WHY I didn’t have the surgery. I had to do some quick thinking and come up with a believable excuse (aka: lie) why we canceled this very important surgery. Cue where I began telling the whole world I was sick with the flu and the doc refused to operate while my immune system was compromised. The flu was going around, so that sounds believable, right? Well, it worked! (I think). And for those who really know me, they totally guessed that we were prego, but were so sweet and didn’t bug me about it, and knew we’d share when we were ready.

The lie continued for about another month and a half until we were FINALLY able to announce that a healthy tiebreaker baby was due to arrive in October 2019. To be totally honest, not too many people were surprised by the news because surgery had not been rescheduled, and I’m really just not that great of a liar ;)

Told y’all it was a doozy! But we are so overly excited about this newest addition to our fam jam, and I just cannot wait to see Finn & G-man be the best big sibs ever. And the BABY SNUGGLES *insert all the heart eye emojis*. Those newborn baby snuggles are just calling my name.

I hope to share baby J #3’s pregnancy journey with all of you babes. Because let’s get real for a hot minute: even though I had Findlay just 4.5 years ago… A LOT has already changed! Like, who decided to discontinue and recall the Rock ‘n Play?! And what the heck is a Snoo? I’m about to re-learn all the things I thought I knew so well about babies, and I’ll share it ALL with you! If you have any baby must-haves, help a sister out, and share those with me! So fasten your seatbelts, friends! Because we’re about to go on a (hormonal) rollercoaster!

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